Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sarah's Heart Children's Home- New York State

Welcome to News From My Travels,

Yesterday was Thursday, April 3, 2009. In the evening I was blessed to have been given the opportunity to travel to Olean, NY with a group from Bethel Assembly of God Church in Lackawanna, NY. The purpose of our trip to Olean was to attend a banquet for a ministry known as Sarah's Heart.

Sarah's Heart Children's Home is a ministry to rescue abandoned, abused, homeless, and unwanted children and to nurture them into the admonition of the Lord. Sarah's heart will be opened to children of all ages, from every nation, tribe, people and language. This home will be a sanctuary where children can learn to experience and grow in the love of God.

Sarah's Heart was birthed on a vision the Lord gave Eileen Meyer in 1983, telling her she would be a surrogate mother. The Meyers' tried to adopt a few times but it wasn't meant to be. A few years later their youth pastor interpreted the vision and said it is the birthing of a ministry. Eileen carried it around for years. In 1999, while preparing for school, the Lord gave Bill a dream showing him the house and children sitting around a table. There was a marquee at the beginning of the property that said, "Sarah's Heart." God has since opened a door in Hindsdale, New York and thier vision and dream is becoming a reality.

Sarah's Heart will be located in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains in HInsdale, New York. The doors of Sara's Heart will be opened to rescue children from birth to 18 years of age that have been; abandoned, abused, homeless and unwanted.

The National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect reports 879,000 children were victims of child maltreatment in the year 2000.

How Can You Help?

The most important thing you can do is PRAY

Pray for Sarah's Heart Daily
Pray God would give the wisdom and direction for his priority each step of the way.
Pray the Lord would open up doors in churches that we may be able to share the need to rescue children.
Pray for God's provision for the land needed.

You may contact Bill and Eileen Meyer, the directors of Sarah's Heart by writing or calling them at;

Sarah's Heart Children's Home
Rev. Bill and Eileen Meyer
P.O. Box 645
Olean, NY 14760

(716) 373-1918
(917) 306-6350 (cell)

1 comment:

  1. Phi 4:13 I can do all things,through Christ which stregtheneth me.
    He will make away. God Bless.
